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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mini Meditation is easy to Relieve Pain Heart

According to an expert in meditation, a variety of body functions is strongly influenced by emotions and pembawaaan everyday. The heart for example, more easily hurt when people like to pretend and his attitude too far-fetched or unnatural.

In eastern medicine or eastern medicine, the emotions and traits are often associated with different risks of disease. When people often feel fear, then the organ most vulnerable to disturbance is the kidney and bladder.

Frustration and anger, both conscious and unconscious will usually interfere with liver function following liver or gall bladder. Likewise, when people often feel sad, then the affected organs are the lungs and large intestine.

Reza Gunawan, an expert on meditation, also known as the husband of singer Dewi Lestari said that cardiac function is influenced by emotions and traits daily. According to him, someone will be more susceptible to heart attack if often lie, insincerity and pretense.

"All forms of behavior that are redundant, contrived and unnatural are the factors that increase risk of heart attack," Reza said in a press conference at the Love Life Love Heart FX Lifestyle X-nter,

Too ambitious and push yourself, according to Reza can also increase the risk of heart attack because it is usually an attitude like that, too artificial. Unfortunately, almost all people living in urban areas tend to have exaggerated attitudes like that.

To overcome this, usually people will be greatly assisted by a variety of relaxation techniques and meditation. But sometimes it's not easy to do, because the rhythm of life which is too busy to make the city people do not have time to get it right.

Reza therefore suggest before people learned to do meditation, must first study the two techniques that are easier to stop the techniques and relaxation techniques. In detail, two techniques that he described as a mini meditation can be done with the following steps.

1. Mechanical stops
Create reminders in your phone so the alarm goes off at certain times. When the alarm sounds, stop any activity that is being done and then close your eyes. First of all feel the body position at the time, from head to toe. Next, feel the breath of flowers on the nose and kempisnya abdomen or chest when breathing.

"This technique will train us to feel the here-now or here and now. If it is usually overshadowed by memories of the past and fear the future, the breath that we feel here is a breath today, not yesterday or the breath to come," said Reza .

2. Relaxation techniques
If you have advanced stop and detach from the roll rhythm of Sheba lived in a hurry, next is to perform relaxation. The trick is to apply the 4-7-8 technique in eyes closed condition, starts with a deep breath 4 counts, hold for 7 counts and releasing it slowly with her mouth fully open for 8 counts.

"If you feel you do not have enough time, do not immediately learn meditation. Just do it with 2 mini meditation technique, then the attitude and mind will be more relaxed and certainly a healthier heart," Reza message.


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