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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Food Coma, Pain Causes Limp After Eating

After lunch sometimes people suddenly become limp, the condition is likely he had a food coma. Actually, what causes a person experiencing a food coma?

In medical language a food coma is commonly called the postprandial postprandial somnolence or drowsiness, a condition that makes one feel sleepy and weak after eating.

Based on the article "The Price of pigging Out: Can You Stop a Food Coma?" written by Allison Ford, symptoms of a food coma is the existence of drowsiness, lethargy and lack of motivation to do something after a meal, so like a coma.

Ford estimates that the condition is influenced by the parasympathetic nervous system. When someone is hungry then the sympathetic nervous system becomes active and alert to look for food, this food will calm the sympathetic system and simultaneously activates the parasympathetic system. The more food consumed it more active.

Parasympathetic system to contribute in terms of rest and digest response, the more food consumed, the greater the energy needed to digest so that energy will be reduced to anything else that makes the body become limp or lethargic, as quoted from Suite101.com, Friday (30 / 9 / 2011).

The experts said one of the causes of food coma is if he is eating lots of sugar and high in carbohydrates, the more food is consumed will cause many problems.

Another possibility is that after eating a high carbohydrate, the insulin levels to rise which causes amino acids from protein foods brought into the cell.

One amino acid that is not taken up by cells is tryptophan, making it more easily transported to the brain. When it enters the brain it is converted into melatonin and other chemicals that cause drowsiness and weakness.

To prevent the occurrence of a food coma, try not to consume a large portion of food at once but broken down into several smaller portions with more frequent intervals so that the energy required to digest is not too large.

And remains active with less time lost in the couch, eating a lot of water to facilitate digestion and keeps the body fresh.


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